The Sims 1 Complete Collection is a whole life with love and dramas, career and cheerful ridges by the pool. Games need to manage the lives and fate of Sims, help them find a job, find friends, make a family and t.P. It is worth noting that this publication includes both the original game of The Sims and absolutely all official addons. And this is still not all, you can also form the character of the hero and do everything to make a person from it, because your "Double" is very lazy and herself does not want to do anything. In the presented project, you can create your own character, which will exactly like you or on your friends, build a house of your dreams, choose the desired design of your home, grow a garden, get acquainted with the neighbors, find the desired job and start making money. Therefore, we strongly recommend you The Sims 1 Complete Collection download torrent on our game portal. In the event that you previously restrained yourself from virtual life, then in a special edition just pulls to play.

Also, since a stuff pack may have a more recent version of the game engine than the most recent expansion pack, it is sometimes necessary to use. However, if Mansion & Garden Stuff is installed, its DVD must be used to start. And you also want to live your own life once again and correct all the mistakes that allowed? Unfortunately, it is impossible, but in Sims you can survive all moments of life from birth to death, even the opposite sex. In The Sims 2, the general rule is to start with the first CD or the DVD of the most recent expansion pack.